Our first discussion involved lots of different possibilities with what was possible to plant in the quite hard soil, obviously Cherry Tom's were one of them, now several months down the line we are now seeing the fruits of the labour, they are beautiful! There is nothing like the smell of fresh tomatoes, I can't believe how wonderfule they look growing on the vine as well, so above are a few shots of the first batch of cherry tom's, we can only hope the other new crops are going to come as good.
We are about to get onto the new planting after this week, looking at a hydroponic watering system, we are talking with an expert who is over to help us along the way. Very exciting to see what we can grow and how, my first thoughts are growing lots and lots of micro shoots, I miss not being able to use nice little beetroot shoots or onion cress, when we try and get these locally its very difficult, although we have managed a few times and our delivery system is now about too take a huge leap in the right direction.
I have been talking to Tarak, they supply the best produce in Mahe, they can get ingredients for us from all over the world and he is my best connection with food here for produce. We are about to start transporting our food in a fantastic way, electronic temperature control probes will record the temp of all goods transported on the boat, inside new fantastic rubberised sealed poly boxes, this is a huge leap and basically with the ice packs placed in the boxes means we keep the temperature with no break in the cold chain!
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