Sunday, December 7, 2008
Coffee & Chocolate..

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Belly Pork, Sweet Potato, Bilimbi, Chilli & Chocolate

What else have we used bilimbi with recently, we pickle it, marinate fish with it, we have made salsas, I'm thinking bilimbi ice cream, no sorbet, with sweet chili sauce..
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Red & White

We have been oddly busy the last few days, occupancy has been lower but we haven taken the chance to get ahead with prep and lots of it, having a any menu any venue any time concept for your work is a little strange and challenging to say the least, but, we do well most of the time.
So, we have been busy getting ahead for the strange requests we get, making purees, turning herbs into beautiful herb oils, its fantastic when you see all the mis en place building up and gets the creative side of all of us thinking.
We have had everything going on, one sous chef on holiday, another sick had to get a chopper off the island, a new chef started and today he left, a 1 week wonder! A steward leaving on the boat to the dentist, what it seems like non stop rain, 2009 budget meeting, a visit with a hydroponics expert, made a japanese 6 course dinner, made a "desperate dan" style pie, five course Asian dinner for spa girls, England beat Germany 2-1 in the footie, "big man" my star kitchen steward cleaned the gator (buggy), foie gras terrines, non stop thai curry for one guest, today I have been piping beetroot meringue to look like antique picture frames, we recieved some nice red snapper, vara vara, jobfish from Mahe, that and more all in the last 3 days!
What to do with beautiful fresh red snapper, well we pan fried it, nice and simple fresh flavour, along with some truffle pomme puree, sliced truffle, vanilla salt, asparagus we feature it alot because its one of our best ingredients, white chocolate veloute, red wine syrup just to cut through the whole thing, the vanilla salt is great with the white chocolate TGRWT, another nice little treat is a white chocolate jelly wrapped around the asparagus and a light grating of the choc as well, all comes together as what we like to do with red snapper.
Monday, November 17, 2008
You Decide...

Sunday, November 16, 2008
From the Garden

Friday, November 14, 2008
Chocolate Coral... a local inspiration
Ok, then we moved onto lots of thoughts of what we could use as different aspects of living coral, thinking of the movement and realism. Strawberry octopus came and went and then we decided lets stick to black and white.. Chocolate!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Health Inspector!

North Islands Chief Taster and oldest living resident... Brutus
estimated to be well over 100, accordingly to Linda he is a great advert for viagra, always at it! He has over 20 girlfriends to choose from as well.
He came by the back of the kitchen for a morning visit, had a bite to eat, some breadfruit, papaya and his favourite mango and off again.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wahoo & Fennel 3 ways, not forgetting smoked korsol

Another with shaved fennel and citrus jelly agar based, a pinch of vanilla salt on the jelly to help and coriander, brings it all together.
Then a new discovery, when we smoked the sour sop we had no idea what the flavour was going to be like with the fennel, it completely changes the flavour profile, I am not the biggest aniseed fan in the world, never have been, but with any of the elements it was fantastic it really smoothed the flavour, giving it almost a fruit taste and we added a fennel veloute to go with just to finish, eats really good.
I think it could be part of the new TGRWT ideas, I think Khymos and the others were up to No.10, the last one being white chocolate & caviar.
Tomorrow we are using some fantastic little vine cherry tomatoes we have grown, they were the first things to be planted since we arrived and now we are starting to see the fruits.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Fresh Ingredients...

They don't get much fresher than this!!
We are now about to have this guy get us fresh coconuts on a daily basis, he is going top the nuts, drain out the water sieve it so we can bottle it everyday. I love it and could drink it all the time, we can also make our own fresh coconut milk instead of buying, finishes a curry off so much better.
I am using all of the husks as well, we are using them for our smoker I had built when I first got here. I mix the husks with the chips from the Takamaka & Casarina trees on the Island which Gregg's guys get ready for us, we also add some tonka beans to the smoking mix, adds a nice flavour.
We are smoking tomorrow, so will post the results in the afternoon, after a trip to the vegetable garden today we've got some great things to put in..
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sesame dipped Yellow Fin and Panko Froglegs

The mandarin jelly is made with Agar, which was our first attempt at the time, hiding inside is a peeled segment, goes really well with the honey foam, the watercress puree is scented with vanilla.
Tuna Nicoise