What else have we used bilimbi with recently, we pickle it, marinate fish with it, we have made salsas, I'm thinking bilimbi ice cream, no sorbet, with sweet chili sauce..
New Food.. New Ideas..
They don't get much fresher than this!!
We are now about to have this guy get us fresh coconuts on a daily basis, he is going top the nuts, drain out the water sieve it so we can bottle it everyday. I love it and could drink it all the time, we can also make our own fresh coconut milk instead of buying, finishes a curry off so much better.
I am using all of the husks as well, we are using them for our smoker I had built when I first got here. I mix the husks with the chips from the Takamaka & Casarina trees on the Island which Gregg's guys get ready for us, we also add some tonka beans to the smoking mix, adds a nice flavour.
We are smoking tomorrow, so will post the results in the afternoon, after a trip to the vegetable garden today we've got some great things to put in..
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